- is a simplified prototyping process for rapid die casting that offers:
üvery complex prototyping
üshort tooling time - about 4-8 weeks
ümodels that can be used for testing
ümodels that can be used for verification and approval
üquick and inexpensive adjustments
Rapid Moulding
- is a simplified prototyping process for rapid injection moulds that offers:
üsame functionality as finished product
ücosmetic look as finished product
üinclusion of parts nested within parts
üproduct quality as finished product
üshort tooling time - about 2-6 weeks
can be made in prototype processes like stereo-lite, Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), plaster casting and cnc-models etc.
Prototyping in aluminium
We have extensive expertise with rapid prototyping in die cast aluminium: Rapid Tooling. The prototypes have characteristics
almost as the end-product and can be used directly in the final construction, in chrashtests's etc. If you haven't got a ready to make
prototype, our design department will be glad to help you with product development.
Small series tool solution
If you need more than 40 prototypes it could also be an economic advantage to decide against traditional prototyping
and go for real tool solutions. Our die cast- and injection mould-machines are ready to produce prototypes in small series.
Small series - economi
A tool solution is a financial advantageous alternative if your minimum need is 40 prototypes, or above. At the same time
you get valuable information about the tool's entrance-, flow- and ventilation-conditions, which can be used directly for
optimizing of the assembly line mould. In addition it's possible to make adjustmens during the process.
SAV prototypes - delivery times
depend on the subject's nature, geometry and finished 3D-files. Call us at 8664 4099 - tell us what you need, and get a fast response.